Please let us know if you have a question that is not answered here.

What does it cost to build a website?

We have information on our pricing page. If you need an official quote, please contact us and we will put together a proposal for you.

Do you offer discounts for multiple site development?

Yes we do, If you want a Proposal for multiple sites, please contact us. We can combine separate custom sites for services you offer. (IE: Police Department, Fire Department, Museum, Festival's, Historic, Library, Parks & Rec. Art Galleries, Tourist Sites, Etc.) We can set all this up under one site with separate sections ( custom design for each ) Users for each section to maintain it, or we can set up complete different sites under separate hosting.

Do we get an Intranet site for our staff?

Yes, This is included with our package at no extra charge. Your intranet site will have all the features of the WebGov CMS for your staff.

What is the monthly Service/Hosting fee?

For small to mid size, population 10,000 or under its $100.00 a month, same for small to mid size organization with member base. All others $200.00 a month. PLEASE NOTE: We offer a discounted price if paid yearly with service contract. Also if you signup for a 4 year service contract, you will receive a fresh design of your site at the 2 year mark. Also as long as you host and maintain service with WebGov all upgrades of the CMS and new features are free.

What is the storage limit on our server space?

No storage limit as long as its website content. Text, Photos, PDF's, Office DOC Files, Web Pages. With that being said there are some exceptions. In no way is the hosting server to be used for storage, file sharing, backups of any kind from in house Servers or Systems. Strictly website content only.

Do you develop sites for other than Local Government and Non-Profit?

Yes, We can and will do sites for other business' and customers. Contact us for details.